DIY super blonde hair.
by naomi.
i had colored my naturally light brown hair to black and pink for over two and a half years. i loved having fair skin and dark hair. but if you're anything like me, having the same hair color(s) for too long just makes you bored.
i decided it was time for a change. how about visiting the opposite side of the spectrum? blonde hair it is.
i love my salons. i regularly visit two different places near where i live. they do such a great job with cutting. i usually color my own hair, but i thought something so scary as blonde should be done by a professional. but seeing as how i'm, well, naomi, i decided to take matters into my own hands. why? well, 1. i was sure i could do it on my own for far cheaper, and 2. why not? i can hear some say, 'naomi, your hair is not a diy craft project!' while they may be right, it hasn't stopped me.
i'm here to tell you the truth about going from black to blonde. first take into consideration these tips:
1. time table
do you have to have family pictures taken between now and a month from now? if yes, don't even begin to start bleaching. it takes a long time to get your hair to the right color. and if your hair is anything like mine was (quite healthy, but saturated by years of the darkest dye there is) you'll look disgusting for weeks. with that in mind, i bring you to number 2.
2. hat
go to target and find yourself a couple of really cute hats/beanies or whatever the hipsters wear. you're definitely going to want to cover your hair between bleaching sessions, and believe you me, YOU don't want to look at yourself in the mirror after the first couple sessions, so please, spare the rest of us the awkward stares and cover thoughse hairs up, girl.
3. slow and steady wins the race to being hott.
don't be in a hurry to get it to the lightest shade. your hair WILL be in horrible condition if you rush the project. you might have to have multiple bleaching sessions. so the longer the span of time between bleaching sessions, the better. your pale locks will not impress anyone-yes they're white, but that doesn't change the fact that it looks like matted sheep wool.
4. do your research
finding the right products is key. learn from other's mistakes. watch youtube videos and read tutorials. a lot of them.
5. wella frosty ash
this product is a wonderful toner for getting out the yellow in your hair. BUT IT IS TERRIBLE for the health of your hair. FYI. i did three bleaching sessions and i felt my hair was in a condition that would be easily salvageable, health-wise. but this wella stuff put it over the edge. consider manic panic's virgin snow. doesn't last as long, but it doesn't harm your hair at all. just re-apply as needed.
6. sally beauty
you'll get all of your products from sally, hopefully. the walmart bleach kits (most of them) are not ok. don't touch them. even though you'll be getting most of your supplies at sally's, be studied up on the products you want to purchase before you even enter the store. the employees are helpful, but they do not know what they're talking about all of the time. they do their best to guide you to the right products, but they also aren't the best people to trust to get the right stuff for your craft project-i mean your makeover. this was learned the hard way for me. they're the ones that told me that the wella frosty ash wouldn't damage my hair and to use it as soon as i wanted. lies.
7. conditioner.
let's just say that conditioner is my new best friend. not like, 'this is my new favorite beauty product'…no. we're best friends. we sleep together and share secrets and wear best friend charm necklaces. i wear the 'friends' half. i have about three different kinds of conditioner right now. i'm sort of testing what i like best. ApHogee makes this really great 2 step repair stuff that is just amazing. try that. i also bought the ApHogee 2 minute repair stuff. i ALSO bought some coconut oil treatment. i pretty much have conditioner in my hair while i sleep and during the day. the only time i don't have my hair being nourished with something is when i feel like i want to expose my hair to the world. that has been one day in the past two weeks. my hair is feeling a lot better now though. i think it's time we come out and play. UPDATE: finally found a conditioner/mask that actually worked. it's called Argan Oil by One 'n Only. this is a restorative mask that reconstructs and repairs horrible hair and makes it shine again. i've used it twice and it has done wonders. my hair feels very close to normal again.

8. don't be a pussy.
there were three times when i reached for my trusty box of permanent ammonia free black hair dye that i have stashed in my bathroom cupboard. i thought, "all this fuss isn't worth it. all this gross and uneven blondish yellowish orangeish crap is not attractive and i neeeeed to cover it up!!" don't do it. don't be a wuss and puss out half way thru. you'll just be irritated you gave up and you'll want to try to go blonde again, because you never got there. and once you try to do it again, your hair will fall out. i promise.
9. you're so damn hot (that's an okgo song reference)
try to stay away from hair straighteners, blowdryers, and other hot hair things for awhile. if you have to use them, use a really good heat protecting spray. i use Tresemme Thermal Creations Heat Tamer. it's in a black bottle with a red handle. it may be a walmart cheap brand, but it really works well on my hair. you might need something a little better, i don't know.
10. maintenance
there is a lot to keep up with when your hair is this light. get yourself some purple shampoo for weekly washes. it helps keep the yellow out. and then there's a bunch of different products you can use to keep you light and shiny. but there are a ton of them out there, so research what will work for your needs.
roots. keep them touched up. unless you are one of those people who look kinda punk rock with dark roots that peek out a little. i'm sorta ok with that. you are allowed to get crazy, but don't get lazy.